Thursday, June 29, 2017

Your choice

Your given a choice,
Your happiness is your choice.
Your kindness is your choice.
Giving is your choice.
Respect is your choice.
Whatever choice you make,
Make that choice wisely.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Protecting your skin

Cleanse - important to cleanse the face twice a day

Moisturize - is intended to restore balance to the skin want to massage it into the skin.

Protect - sun exposure is the number one cause of ageing

Primer - helps reduce fine lines

Happeness with my Dominant

It's when we infect each other with our own language,
Our own phrases.
Our expression for one another.
It's catching his eyebrow.
Hearing his words of love.
When he says mine.
Or I love you sub.
The pet names he calls me.

© Dom to sub love

What my Dominant dose

I been asked what dose my Dominant do for me?
A Dominant Job is to be in tune with the submissive wants, needs and desires. He wouldn't be much of a man if he can't do that for the woman in his care.
The ultimate power rest with submissive.
Because submissive control Dominant actions.
Dominant wants to please submissive. It's very inportant to Dominant that he please you.
He wants you to be satisfied. He wants you to be spoiled, pampered, and charished.
That you don't want to be anywhere but with him at all times.

This is what my Dominant does for me.

Why am I a submissive

I been asked why are you a submissive
I'M playful, I need someone I can trust and relay on who's not me.
Someone bigger, safer, and reliable not afraid to take charge.
Someone strong enough to hold me, and affectionate and wise enough to understand me.
To know when I need a spanking or if I need a cuddle or both to get me out of my head and back and back into life.
I have a need to release everything to this person. This makes me a submissive.
That's why I'm a submissive. It's who I am.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Offering your submission

When offering your submission to a Dominant.

You are giving the Dominant all your decisions.
Your putting the Dominant in charge of your well being.
That means giving control of your mental and emotional health.
You are giving total control of your body of what you can and cannot do with it.

So ask yourself before you submit.
How well do you know this person?
Can I trust the Dominant respect my safe word?
Can I trust won't suddenly leave me?
Can I trust the person?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Things i have gained from submitting to my Sir

Being myself
Unconditional love
Peace of mind

These are some of the things I have gained from submitting to my Sir

When you submit to right person everything comes into place. But you
have to work hard for it. It shouldn't seem like work when you are doing
it together.

©Dom to sub love Author Natalie. S.

Shaving your vagina

1) Rub body oil in the area to help soften the hair.
2) Rub hair conditioner Do not use shaving cream.
3) Use brand new razer (disposable).
4) Use very warm water but not hot shave in the direction hair grows
Shaving up would bring you closest, smoothest shave.
5) Rise with cold water.

Note Witch hazel can be used for healing micro cuts.

Apply deodorant unscented to prevent razor bumps

Keep the area dry and free of lotion water ect

Do not irate the area for 2-3 hours

What a Dominant is like

   A Dominant can be very gentle and He can be very nice. A Dominant enforce structure. There are many ways to do that, punishments and stern words is just one way. You don't need to be mean to mean to her in less you have a cause to. Give her positive reinforcement to the things she does right, then constantly harping on the few negatives. You reather give a submissive ten thousand words praise then words of criticism.
   There are Dominants who are obsessed with punishments and negative words. It may work for some but not all. A good Dominant is their core, a good leader. A good leader not always yelling, gripping to find falts. No they build people up, make them feel like they accomplish something. A Dominant is the same way builds His submissive up.

© Dom to sub love Author Natalie. S.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Traditional Celtic marriage vows

   You can not possess me
For I belong to myself
But while we both wish it.
I give you that which is mine
To give.
   You cannot command me,
For I am a free person. But
I shall serve you in those
   And the honeycomb will
Taste sweeter coming from
My hand.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Building a dream

There is no such thing as a typical entrepreneur. Which type are you? Share it with us in the comments below!

The Builder: Loves to create something from scratch. You work incredibly hard to see your business succeed and grow.
The Innovator: You have a knack for coming up with new ideas or making old ones better.
The Opportunist: Sees the potential of an idea, and has a “gift” for intuitive timing. You trust your gut!
The Specialist: You bring years of extensive knowledge into your business. You love what you do!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Something you can do with your Dom

I get asked what is something you can do online with your Dominant to show you love him and that his?

Well there is many things you can do.

Online group- with others that share interest in the same thing.
A blog- blog or a page it can show journey together
There is lots you can do

Tumblr, Pinterest are couple of good ones to start with here is expample of how to share a board.

Add things that speaks to you and further connect you like.

They are simple words and images but it comes down to one simple word love.

© Author Natalie. S.