Saturday, September 29, 2018

I love being a submissive to my man

Don't be fooled by the title, I'm not here to encourage women to be dumb, or be a housewife, and helpless, and have no options.

I'm here to teach to encourage who you are.

I'm not saying you have to be submissive all the time.

You can be submissive part time or full time depending the relationship and who you are.

The reason I want to talk about this is to bring you closer together and bring more passion into the relationship.

If it is received by a man with love and respect, it is a gift to cherish.

Being a submissive is not something you do for abusive man.

being a submissive allows a man to feel more like a man, doesn't have to be about being weak or being wrong.

Part of being part of your femininity feeling different part of yourself that you feel in your body, you get to have when you submit and learning to be more feminine has well.

Now this brings me to some of the things that meaning behind submissive, opening up, ability to be uncertain, trust and surrendering. I will go over each thing.

Opening up- The man want's his woman to be open to him and let him in emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually.

Trust- Today society leads men to be rapist but there is men out there standing up for what is right. Being a submissive you have to trust enough to let him show you the way, and asking for his help, his opinions, his solution. Many men are touched by this. Many will jump at the chance to help with something. He want's to give you a good Direction to add to your life, to be trust worthy.

Ability to be uncertain- This is where the submissive is powerful and strong. It is okay for a submissive to be uncertain. She has to let her guard down and be free and let go. The man is the source of your strength when you need it. If you can't trust you can't be free to let go.

Surrendering- This is a big part know your a submissive. It's surrender to a man leadership and strength. Allowing your relationship to flow and be free.

copy rights Dom to sub love
Author Natalie. S.

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