Friday, March 17, 2023

St. Patrick day

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated around the world every year on March  17th. This holiday is usually associated with the color green,  shamrocks, and Irish culture. However, what most people don't know is  that St. Patrick's Day has deep pagan roots that date back to  pre-Christian Ireland. In this blog post, we'll explore the pagan  origins of St. Patrick's Day and how they influenced the holiday we  celebrate today.

Origins of the Pagan Festival

Before  Christianity arrived in Ireland, the ancient Celts celebrated the  spring equinox, which falls on March 21st, with a festival known as  Ostara. This festival was a celebration of the end of winter and the  start of the spring season. The Celts believed that during the spring  equinox, the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world was  at its thinnest, and they would perform rituals to honor their gods and  goddesses.

One of the most important deities in the Celtic  pantheon was Eostre, the goddess of spring and fertility. Her name is  believed to have given rise to the modern English word "Easter." The  Celts would offer sacrifices and perform other rituals to honor Eostre  and ensure a successful harvest in the coming months.

The Influence of Christianity

In  the early 5th century, Christianity arrived in Ireland with St.  Patrick, a missionary who became the patron saint of Ireland. St.  Patrick is said to have converted the Irish people to Christianity by  using the shamrock, a three-leafed clover, to explain the Holy Trinity.  He also used traditional Irish symbols, such as the sun and the cross,  to represent Christian concepts.

St. Patrick's Day began as a  Christian feast day to honor St. Patrick and his accomplishments. The  first St. Patrick's Day parade was held in Boston in 1737, and the  holiday became an official Irish holiday in 1903.

Despite its  Christian origins, many of the traditions associated with St. Patrick's  Day have pagan roots. For example, the color green is associated with  St. Patrick's Day because it represents the rebirth of spring. In pagan  times, green was also associated with fertility and the natural world.  The shamrock, which is now a symbol of Ireland, was originally a sacred  plant to the Celts and was believed to have protective powers.

The Importance of Fire

Fire  was also an important part of the Ostara festival, and its importance  continued even after the arrival of Christianity. Bonfires were lit on  hilltops to welcome the spring and ward off evil spirits. In some parts  of Ireland, people still light bonfires on St. Patrick's Day.

Another  tradition associated with St. Patrick's Day is the wearing of green.  The Celts believed that wearing green would protect them from evil  spirits, and the color is still associated with luck and good fortune.  In Ireland, it is customary to wear a small bunch of shamrocks on St.  Patrick's Day, which is a nod to the plant's original significance.

The Role of Music and Dance

Music  and dance have always been important parts of Irish culture, and they  played a role in the Ostara festival as well. The Celts would sing and  dance around the bonfire to celebrate the arrival of spring. Today,  traditional Irish music and dance are still an important part of St.  Patrick's Day celebrations.

The Irish step dance, which is  characterized by quick, precise movements of the feet and legs, is  perhaps the most famous form of Irish dance. It originated in the 18th  century and is now performed around the world.


St.  Patrick's Day is a holiday that is celebrated around the world, but few  people know about its pagan origins. While Christianity eventually  replaced pagan beliefs in Ireland, many of the traditions associated  with St. Patrick's Day still have deep pagan roots. From the color green  to the shamrock and bonfires, these traditions offer a fascinating  glimpse into the ancient beliefs and practices of the Celtic people.  Whether you celebrate St. Patrick's Day for its religious or cultural  significance, it's important to understand the holiday's rich history  and the diverse influences that have shaped it over the centuries.

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