Thursday, November 29, 2018

Night dreams

" I just can't seem to get it right,
I'm wrong by day and wrong by night,
I really think this feeling never ends.
Why can't I have normal life,
Not filled with all this pain and strife.
Why is it we just have to be just friends?

If I was there with you right now,
I know we'd never wonder how,
We could please each other when we meet.
I'd kiss your lips and brush your hair,
And show you just how much I care,
I can't imagine anything as sweet.

But you are there and I'm here,
This is the thing that I must fear.
That we will never meet in warm embrace.
Darling , tell me I am wrong,
Sing for me, My spirit song,
Tell me that you long to see my face.

Tell me you long for me,
Tell me how you long to be,
With me every minute of the day.
Tell me, When I long for you.
That you are there, and feel it, too,
Listen to the words I long to say.

I long to tell you how I care,
I long to show you I'll be there,
When all the world around you comes apart.
And when I think of your sweet kiss,
My darling, just remember this,
No one else will ever have my heart.

So, here's to us here in the night,
Our burning love our only light,
To lead and guide us, through these lonely times.

Here's to love and joy and peace,
And memories that will never cease,
As long as I can love you in my rhymes."

This poem reminds me of D/s relationship what it is like to bond and what it like to be apart from your Dominant.

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