Friday, November 13, 2020

25 ways to be respectful to your Dom or even Husband

1)  Choose joy - Don't use His/Her mood against Him/her, we all have bad days

2) Honor His/her wishes - What your Dom/Husband thinks is important. Make those your priority 9 having dinner ready when He/she comes home, house tidy limit your computer time when He/she home.)

3) Give your Dom/Husband undivided attention - When He/She is speaking drop everything and look into His/her eyes

4) Don't interrupt - Don't cut him off when He is speaking this shows respect to Him

5) Emphasize His Good points - Don't dwell on His faults instead focus on His good quality and admire them.

6) Pray for Him - pray for Him daily you will notice a transformation not only Him but you

7) Don't nag - He's a grown man, not a child

8) Be thankful - Don't have an attitude have gratitude don't take Him for granted.

9) Smile at Him - Smiles spread happiness 

10) Respon Physically - Don't push Him away when trys to hug you or make excuses when your not in the mood.

11) Eyes for only Him - Don't compare Him to another man

12) Kiss Him goodbye greet Him the right way coming or going

13) Prepare His favorite foods - make His favorite foods at least 3-4 times a week to honor Him when planning your meals always have Him in mind. 

14) Cherish togetherness - always sit near or next to Him

15) Don't complain - no one likes to hear a complainer 

16) resist the urge to correct - Never correct Him 

17) Dress to Please Him - Take care of your appearance in and out of the house you represent Him

18) Keep the house tidy - keep clean and tidy 

19) Be content - Don't pressure Him

20) - Take His advise - Don't dismiss him 

Dom to sub love 

Becoming a better you.

What makes a good submissive? and what can the submissive do to improve themselves?  Lets over some key parts. 

Respectful - Show the Dominant respect. as a submissive, you showed come from a place of giving. 

Polite - Goes along with respect.